Life is forged by the actions of today...
My name is Bruce Payne. I am the founder and originator of
Shinkido Martial Arts, Evesham's premier Karate Jutsu Dojo.
Martial Arts - in their various forms - have been a key part of
my life for many years, but before I decided to pursue them
as a career, I was a director in a leading distribution company: I
believed that my future was clear, and that I had found my
niche in life... I was a businessman, focused, determined,
professional and extremely successful.
In 1996 I was invited to lead a new business venture in
South America; an invitation which I considered very seriously;
in fact... my bags were packed to go.
However... around the same time, I'd begun to realise that my
interest in Martial Arts was more than a hobby. I was increasingly
aware of the potential that it offered both physically and mentally, and so, after much soul searching and thorough research, I opted to stay in the UK and chanelled my energies into a career change... I chose Martial Arts... from that point on, I have never looked back.
I didn't choose Martial Arts as an easy option. I apply the same self discipline and attention to detail that secured my success in my previous career.
A lot of things that inspired me in business have influenced my approach to teaching; for example... I was always very keen to learn and still believe that continued study refreshes and sustains both interest and commitment to a subject.
Keeping an open mind is also an important element of successful business, and I like to explore new ideas in order to broaden my knowledge and develop stimulating and realistic syllabus for all students.
I regularly review training principles, and spend a lot of time studying both fitness and diet as these are vital to us in all areas of life.
My GOAL in life is to help people get the best out of themselves, and help them find their potential.
Over the years I have met and trained many people: professional businessmen and women, disabled people, (less abled)
people with drug addictions, people who have been violently attacked, people who have suffered bereavement, people who were seeking to lose weight and people who simply shared an interst in Martial Arts. Some still train weekly at the Dojo in Evesham, some now live fare away, but all hold a special place and are still my friends.
As a Martial Artist, I study and train, nurturing new concepts and designing better practices to encourage and inspire others.